‘Challenges content creators face’

Priyanshi Anand
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2021


Content encapsulates the digital world and is the driving force for online traffic. Content can achieve all the success and reach, but it requires great planning and strategizing. En route, content creators run into several roadblocks.

By content creator I mean anyone who creates content; could be a dedicated team, a freelancer, or a new business owner who does all the digital marketing themselves, of which content creation is a part.

With that in mind, I’m bringing to light a wide variety of challenges that they face. Some are specific to content creation, while others may appear tangential but are still relevant as they impact the creator in one way or another.

  1. To produce content consistently

Generating content can be like chasing after a deadline and constantly working on updating different assignments. Schedules can be challenging when you’re trying to post every week (of course, thinking something new and attractive takes time!) and you have no idea what to talk about or discuss.

Usually, we know that scheduling our ideas in advance can be a great workaround. Instead of panicking and scrambling to chase those deadlines, we can try having a line-up of several blogs, podcasts, or videos ready. Who doesn’t love a meal prep? (preparing and then storing all the meals in the ice chest directly for a week), it’s handy and a very comfortable way to work.

Even though being consistent improves the creator’s trustworthiness, visibility, and customer loyalty, it takes a personal toll on the individual, constantly pushing themselves to keep up with the never-ending competition. No matter how many tips and tricks a creator employs to strive on the existing platforms, it is almost never enough. There is a need for a supportive and encouraging platform that creators can rely on.

2. Coping up with algorithms

The genuine concern regarding algorithms is the damage it is causing to the future ability to reach, distribute and influence our audiences. Over the past five years, we have seen a growing problem with ‘social media’ in how it has forced the artists and creators into the same rat race as the corporates.

Social media has changed in many ways. At first, it was a social platform where we could connect and interact with organic supporters and fans. But as the corporate entities started to optimise their platforms for the social scale, the value of social media now curtails to a very small niche, only relevant for a specific type of content. Therefore, creators who create their innovative or experimental art styles totally cannot fit into the box called consistency (posting regularly at the same time) thus, enabling real and unique content to fade.

Algorithms force the creators to post in order to create a reach, eventually forcing a creator to sacrifice its originality and creativity. With the kind of problems creators face while tackling various algorithm issues, there comes a need to introduce creators to a platform that is not a slave of algorithms.

One such platform is MEMBORO. It is a place where the creators are directly connected to their fans or followers. It helps create a community that does not run on the footsteps of something called algorithms. It promotes genuine connections and real acknowledgment of talent.

3. To produce authentic content

Coming up with thought-provoking, original, and solution-oriented content can be difficult. Content needs to address questions in a comprehensive, intelligent way that will leave the reader seeing things from a new perspective and having a detailed understanding of the answers to their problems. Using research tools, perusing forums, and online searches, you can generate a lot of content. We often clash over ideas and become incapable of producing something which can be termed as a perfect goal in today’s time.

Combing through social media and other sites that are consumers’ frequent can expose what people are interested in these days. When we put ourselves in consumer’s shoes, we’ll have a better understanding of what they’re looking for. This will help generate authentic, fresh content for the views to enjoy over a cup of coffee.

4. Lack of marketing technique

To gain maximum mileage from the content, we need to market it on multiple platforms. Sponsored ads on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook (or where the bulk of our audience resides) are a great start but can often be very expensive. Therefore, once the cycle of paying starts, there seems no end to it.

Other options include guest posting for big-name blogs, getting your name in the press, collaborating with influencers in your niche, and interacting with potential followers on their favorite haunts. This will also give some fresh content ideas but are often not so easy for creators who just started or are on a smaller scale of work.

Keeping fans engaged and dealing with trolls are not the only challenges that bother creators. Maintaining a balance between their original content and that promoted by the brands they collaborate with, is on top of the mind stories which usually need assistance.

This required assistance can be provided by memboro. The team of memboro creates hype among the audience, welcoming new creators and advertising their content or craft across their different social media platforms supporting them through every edge. They also help creators strategize on how to create memberships and offer services and commissions, supporting them and promoting higher reach and effective marketing.

5. Technology-related challenges

Content appeals to the audience on multiple levels. Aesthetics are a big part of the user experience, whether on the laptop or mobile. The ease of navigation, the design of the website, the audio-visual elements, as well as the written content — all of these come together to cast a spell on the visitors and keep them hooked.

Content works with design to create magic.

But it’s common to struggle with technology. Especially one-person businesses — one does his own SEO, writes his own posts, shoots his own videos, and does his own social media marketing. they’re wearing many hats! Therefore, it can get hard when someone isn’t tech-friendly.

Although there has been a significant advancement in technology making things easier, they often do take a lot of time to hang off. Especially when it comes to creators from Gen x, it acts as a barrier and eventually demotivates them to create.

There is a need to meet up with a platform that is easy to use and super user-friendly. Guess what! We have such a place that provides a natural solution to all the kinds of problems we face as a creator.

Memboro serves as a perfect place where we can directly link our fans or followers promoting complete transparency. We can add the type of art we want to present to the folks and can amplify the kind of support creators receive. Therefore, reducing the worries about editing it to look cool and noticeable. It is a platform that promotes authentic content without filters and hence comes out to be the best platform running in this era.

